Clothing Designs BEHIND THE SCENES!

Hey turtles!
Curious to know what the TW team are working on RIGHT NOW??? Well, do I have the post for YOU guys! TW recently tweeted this cool pic of what they're working on right now!
AWESOMENESS! I dunno about you guys, but I'm SO excited for when these snazzy looking clothing items are released! ALSO, here's some designs that ChocolateMonster of Turtle World Fansite has been working on...

AMAZING RIGHT!! MASSIVE shout out to Sebastian and Choc for these FANTABULOUS designs!! :D
Till next time turtles! ~Lillia

Sign up for Turtle World!

YO YO turtles,
The site is slowly getting better and better! They've now updated the register page to look a whole lot more colourful! :D 
AND TRUST ME ON THIS ONE, it won't stop there, I'll bet you the site'll have a WHOLE new make-over soon! :D And remember turtles, feel free to register HERE! EVEN though the game isn't up and running yet, be prepared!
Hope you enjoyed the post! ~Lillia

Newspaper Design REVEALED!

Heya turtles! Lillia here!
I've got a SUPER KEWL looking sneak peek for you all for the upcoming updates in Turtle World! Sebastian99 has been working on a REALLY interesting looking newspaper design, check it out!
COOL HUH? AAAND there's a little info on the upcoming party 'SECRETS OF THE FOG'! Cool huh??
Tell us what YOU guys think about this! :D

Clothing Items in Turtle World

YO YO Turtles!
So you want some cool and snazzy looking new clothes to boost up your turtle-style? Well, YOU'RE IN LUCK! Because the TW Crew are making some new clothing items, and we need YOUR opinions turtles for what kinda clothes you'd like to see on Turtle World! You never know, they COULD even be used in the game!

Some people have even drawn up their own designs in fanart: (CREDIT TO FIZZ!)
COOL HUH! If you'd like to do this, just send in your designs to ''! 
Hope you enjoyed the post! Don't forget to comment the type of clothes YOU'D like to see in TW! ~Lillia

Secrets of the Fog REVEALED

Hey turtle fans!
I just discovered this SERIOUSLY COOL LOOKING sneak peek of the upcoming party, Secrets of the Fog! Check THIS out:
if you ask me, I think that looks AWESOMEEE!!! This is just ONE example of the awesome stuff turtle world has in store for us! What do YOU guys think about this awesome sneak peek?
Peace out turtles! ~Lillia

Turtle World SNEAK PEEK!

Hey turtles, Lillia here!
I have a WICKED sneak peek for all you turtle world fans out there :D SO to get straight to the point, here it is!!!
It's a turtle dude with some awesome clothing items on :D AND even holding a cute baby turtle toy!! What do YOU guys think about this cool sneak peek? Any thoughts, COMMENT below!!
Party on Turtles! ~Lillia

New Clothing items SNEAK PEEK!

Hey turtle world fans!
We have a super-mega-awesome sneak peeks exclusive from the mods of Turtle World about some of the clothing items coming soon in their next big update! It's gonna be ROCKING!

So turtles, get your fashion skills in gear, cuz they're GONNA BE NEEDED! ;) Comment what YOU think about this kewl new turtle-style!
Enjoy the post! ~Lillia

Exciting Updates COMING SOON!

YO turtles!
There's gonna be HEAPS of awesome updates within the next couple of weeks, and you MAY have noticed but the turtle world login page isn't working! THIS is because the game is down for about a week for some AWESOME UPDATES!
Here's one of them: 3D AVATARS! Yep, that's right folks! Turtle world is gonna have 3D virtual characters :D

AAAND new inventories (which means new CLOTHING ITEMS too!!), Chat box history, new emotes, AND I CAN'T FORGET the epic new party 'Secrets of the Fog' coming to Turtle World in Febuary! 

And coming in January 23rd, there's gonna be an AWESOME NEW MAP! What do YOU think it'll look like? Here's the old one:

So make sure to check back SUPER soon online to see these SUPER awesome updates AND MORE!!
Hope you enjoyed the post! ~Lillia

Blog Part of the TWHP!

HEY TURTLES! I have some GREAT news for you all!
I'm officially part of the TURTLE WORLD HELPERS PROGRAM! WOO!!! It's such an exciting achievement , and I'm the THIRD to make it! :D In addition to all this, I even get a BADGE!!!
EPIC HUH? I'll be displaying this on my blog for ALLL you guys to check out :D
Till next time turtle fans! ~Lillia

OFFICIAL Opening of Totally Turtle World!

YO Turtles!
I'm super glad to say that my website is FINALLY opened to all you epic turtle fans out there! :D I'll be posting hints, tips, updates and LOTS more on this site, and it'll be updated REGULARLY  So, be sure to keep checking it out, and I'll keep all you rocking turtles updated with what's new!

SO, here's a bit about me to start off!
I'm Lillia, a MAJOR Space Heroes Universe fan, I make graphics, videos, and I'm a SERIOUS BLOGGER! You can check out my other blog HERE! I've been playing Turtle World since October 2012!
(MAJOR credits to my BFF Choc for making that amazing pic!) :D
Till next time turtles! ~Lillia