Soz, I haven't posted in a while due to some TECHNICAL ISSUES! But now I'm back, and more awesome-er than ever!!
OK, it's totally AWESOME UPDATE O'CLOCK on Turtle World right now, and I'm about to show you just SOME of the epic updates!

Firstly, you'll notice that there's a snazzy new server feature!
AND, You can even wear items from your inventory!!

OH YEAH, did I mention that there's a ROCKING NEW ROOM UPDATE?!

But that's not the BEST PART... cuz guys, this is the moment you've all been waiting for, and yeah I'm talking about the SECRETS OF THE FOG event!! Check out these epic pics! Here's what you get when you come online:

Don't forget to check out this AMAZING NEW ROOM

And when you arrive, you'll get this note!
Time to get some serious NINJA STYLE ON, cuz you're about to meet FOG...
CREEPY HUH?! I think turtle world totally captured the ninja-ness of the event! ;) and here's what you get when you arrive:
So if you want an AMAZING new outfit just like this one, GO ONLINE ASAP at www.worldofturtles.com!!

New TW Room coming Soon!

I have a really terrific looking sneak peek of a room that's coming NEXT MONTH! judging by the looks of it, I recon it's gonna be a rocking cafe! :D Cool huh?! Check it out for yourselves!
Comment what YOU turtles think about this amazing design! I really gotta hand it to Sebastian here, cuz he's the dude who put this AWESOME piece of artwork together! :D
Till next time turtles! GET EXCITED for the 'Secrets of the Fog' event coming REAL SOON! ~Lillia

TW Sneak peeks!

YO YO TURTLES! Lillia here!
I have some kewl new sneak pics for u guys to give you a peek at the updates coming REAL SOON on TW! Check these out:

AWESOME RIGHT?! I have a feeling that the first pic has something to do with Chinese new year ;)
which reminds me.... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TURTLES! :D
Anyways, comment what you think about these epic pics and what you think they could be for!! 


UH OH TURTLES, I have some serious incoming news! Moderator Torgo has been CAPTURED... by the FOG!! We don't exactly know how or when, but we do know one thing for sure: WE GOTTA RESCUE TORGO, and PROTECT TW!!

He (or the FOG :S) has been updating his twitter lately, and the tweets are VERY STRANGE...

HMM, it looks like he was last in the 'GALACTIC COURT'!!
Help us investigate, and join TW RIGHT AWAY!! Don't forget to comment ANYTHING you've recently heard that could help us rescue Torgo! I'm pretty suspicious that this has something to do with the 'Secrets of the Fog' TW party coming up on the 16th of Feb!


Turtle World can NOW be played!

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, a chance to actually play the game! :D There's been some MAJOR UPDATES, which I'll tell you guys ALLLL about, and even more to come ;) Click HERE to play!
SO, to start off, check out this TURTLE-TASTIC new login page! :D

And, when you go online you'll see there's an awesome new 3D-AVATAR update!!

Not to mention the SWEET new look the news has!

AAAND the new map:

Also, don't forget to check out these FANTABULOUS new rooms!!!

Could it get any more COOLER than that?! Comment what YOU guys think about these kewl new updates :D
Till next time turtles! ~Lillia