Soz, I haven't posted in a while due to some TECHNICAL ISSUES! But now I'm back, and more awesome-er than ever!!
OK, it's totally AWESOME UPDATE O'CLOCK on Turtle World right now, and I'm about to show you just SOME of the epic updates!

Firstly, you'll notice that there's a snazzy new server feature!
AND, You can even wear items from your inventory!!

OH YEAH, did I mention that there's a ROCKING NEW ROOM UPDATE?!

But that's not the BEST PART... cuz guys, this is the moment you've all been waiting for, and yeah I'm talking about the SECRETS OF THE FOG event!! Check out these epic pics! Here's what you get when you come online:

Don't forget to check out this AMAZING NEW ROOM

And when you arrive, you'll get this note!
Time to get some serious NINJA STYLE ON, cuz you're about to meet FOG...
CREEPY HUH?! I think turtle world totally captured the ninja-ness of the event! ;) and here's what you get when you arrive:
So if you want an AMAZING new outfit just like this one, GO ONLINE ASAP at www.worldofturtles.com!!