Turtle World Helpers! Join us today!

HEY TURTLES! We need YOUR help!
To make turtle world extra awesome, the TW crew, being the awesome ppl they r, have offered to add exclusive new 'Helpers' to their site, and ANYONE can join! If YOU wanna hear more about this, then just check out this recent post on the Official Blog :D

What is the TWHP?
The turtle world helper program is a project to help spread the world about Turtle World. To be part of the program and have your turtle social status moved up to 'Helper' you must be over the age of 13 (if under 13 must have parents permission.) You must also have never broke a rule on Turtle World. We would highly recommend if you had a twitter account to stay in super fast contact, it's okay if you don't though. Finally you MUST have a blog about turtle world. A blog on any blogging platform ; blogger.com , Wordpress.com and for the advanced - tumblr.com and Wordpress.org but we recommend Wordpress.com for easy blogging.
What benefits do helpers get?
-Helper's Chat Bubble
Turtle World helpers get a neat Purple Chat bubble with the word 'helper' written in yellow in the bottom left corner. This appears every time they speak.
-Certified Helpers Badge
Turtle World helpers will receive a special Helpers badge to post on their blogs!
-Partys/events advertised on Main Blog
If a Turtle World helper is having a party or event, They will be given the opportunity to have their event posted on the official turtle world blog for the World to see!
-Exclusive Sneak Peaks
Turtle World helpers will receive weekly sneak peaks through their email inbox, from a riddle to a small image to a clothing item to an entire new room or feature, Helpers get it all first... and fast. Sometimes sneak peaks are sent out to only one of the helpers, to show how much of a good helper they have been during the past 7 days.
-Exclusive Blog Graphics to use
What's Happening in TW
Every few weeks, Turtle World helpers will be given special event or party information or buttons produced in graphics to put up around their blog to decorate it/make it look nice.
-Free Blog Advertising
Turtle World Helpers blog's are advertised weekly on all of our Twitter accounts, including some moderator accounts, new posts are instantly re-tweeted on one of our main accounts and most images and URL's of blogs or from blogs are used on our main blog/around the site/on twitter with given credit. So your blog will always be getting 'hits'.
-Very Special Important Messages from the Chief of Turtle World
Turtle World Helpers will be bombarded every few month with Very important messages for very important turtles from the Chief of Turtle World. From new Helper Releases - to Testing new updates/parties/features - To joining a big chat or having an official meeting or introducing a new phase of members. Helpers are always on top of what is happening when, where and how. So you can always ask a Helper about anything to do with Turtle World, Their reply? The answer to your question.
-Moderator on Turtle Space
Once a helper creates a Turtle Space account, within 48 Hours they become a moderator to keep the social networking site clean, fresh and updated daily. This means they can give out announcements, Ban bad behaving users from the website and give Delete User Account requests to Administrators.
SOON-Turtle World Helpers will have a special hat and be given a very strict ability to warn and highly report very bad turtles in the Turtle World.
How do I become a Helper?
1-First create a Turtle World related blog or YouTube Channel advertising TurtleWorld and post on your blog Weekly/2Weeks max. Make blogs at -Wordpress.com, Blogger.com, Weebly.com Webs.com Make YouTube channel at- YouTube.com
2-Inform us about your blog or channel by commenting below with the link, tweeting us at  @TurtleWorldVW @TurtleTorgo or @Sebastian99t or Emailingturtlechiefhelper@gmail.com or turtletorgo@gmail.com with your blog or channels name, link, turtle name, age.
**If you tweet us, make sure you are following us so we can direct message you.**
3-Do not break any rules, enforce them.
4-Finally, you must have an email for us to contact you with, we will contact you after we review your blog and account. We will then contact you by email with the details you need.
What's a phase?
Phases last between 3-6 Months. The turtles accepted into the program during that time will be put in their phase, Their 'group'. So we can categorise them and find them more easily, Keeping it easier to keep our databases updated about the helper and to check their blogs frequently. After a phase finishes, Everyone still keeps their Helpers status but phase __ will close and phase __ will open with new turtles being allowed in about a month later.
How can I definitely become a Helper?
The main thing that will get you into the program is ADVERTISING TURTLE WORLD. Do this by telling everyone you knowupdating your blog or channel frequently, logging into the world frequently and supporting the team on this our adventure.
The road is long ahead, help us out. We reward you with the Helpers program.

As always,
Spread the world!

COOL HUH?! So what are you waiting for? Join the turtle world helper program TODAY for some EXCLUSIVE AWESOME TURTLE ACTION!
Party on turtles! ~Lillia